Anna + Scott [e-session] Lincoln, NE
So I learned two things about these guys today. First, that they don’t mind having a little fun shooting in the rain. Second, that Anna can’t help but smile under any circumstances. I’m actually quite happy about both. I was really getting apprehensive about the weather rolling in, as the night before it had already […]
Cory and Gretchen [e-session] Lincoln, NE
These guys were a lot of fun! I love it when I have a playful couple to work with, because I feel like I don’t have to do anything but sit back and press the shutter. I couldn’t believe what an amazing day it was as well. I feel like I’ve been saying that too […]
Emily + Ryan [wedding sneak peek] Lincoln, NE
Wow, was Saturday nice! I’m fairly sure there couldn’t have been a more perfect day for a wedding. It was cool in the morning and a breeze in the afternoon kept you just the right temperature. Ryan was an old high school friend of mine, so it was pretty cool to be able to shoot […]
Tia [senior rep] sneek peek
Tia is my first senior of the Class of 2011. She’s helping to promote my photography to her friends and classmates and in return will receive some perks for referrals. I felt really bad for her during the shoot as she was really cold with the wind blowing across the prairie. It turned out to […]
Luke + Shaunna [wedding] Lincoln, Nebraska
Phew! The year’s first wedding is in the bag. I weathered eight hours of this high energy event while fighting bronchitis, but I made it, and Luke and Shaunna get to have wonderful pictures they’ll be able to enjoy forever. I had such a good time, I forgot I was even sick! College View Church […]