The Watson’s Lincoln Nebraska family pictures
Allison – Lincoln Nebraska
I don’t post a whole lot of personal work on my site, and I’ve been thinking about starting a second blog for just that. In the meantime though, I had to share a couple of pictures that I took of my wife recently. She doesn’t always like to get in front of the camera, but […]
Photo Field Trip 2014 – An Amazing Journey
Have you ever had those times that were so amazing, that you tried to explain it to someone, and quickly realized words, or even pictures could never do it justice? That’s how I spent last weekend. I heard about the Photo Field Trip through some friends, and at first didn’t pay it much attention. It […]
Natasha and Joe – Nine Mile Prairie – Nebraska Wedding Photographer
So these two are pretty awesome. I don’t think it’s possible to look at these two and not see how happy and in love they are. I’m thrilled to be their wedding photographer this weekend!
Dr. Bitz
I don’t post a whole lot of personal stuff on my blog. At least not as much as I used to. This is a big enough occasion though, that it warranted a posting of its own. My wife has been in school for what seems like forever. In fact, she’s been in college almost as […]